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Thoughts (mostly) on .NET development


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Lenard Gunda Re: ASP.NET MVC and virtual views
I will try to make an example with ZIP files, sometime in the future.

As far as I recall, it should be possible to put view logic into the views using this approach. I will have to get back to you on this one, as soon as I get back home on friday.
Adrian Re: ASP.NET MVC and virtual views
Hi - Found this post potentially useful, but, my stumbling block is that I don't appear to be able to put View Logic inside my View (as stored in the DB), ie. <%=DateTime.Now%> renders as <%=DateTime.Now%> and doen't show the current datetime.

Is this possible using this approach - for the record, I am using the current beta MVC 2.

Apert from my method of storage, all my code is identical to that provided in this post.
Abhi Re: ASP.NET MVC and virtual views
Thanks for the post; a very thoughtful idea - storing MVC views in the DB. Although I found the idea to read views from the zip file for dynamic themes to be a more practical implementation. But yeah this could be a good beginning for creating a CMS based on ASP.NET MVC on the lines of gosted/unghosted pages in MS Sharepoint.
Alex Re: ASP.NET MVC and virtual views
Khalid, what were the issues you experienced? I am curious as I have done this on several occasions and been happy but may not have run into all the potential issues. One must be careful to use caching appropriately for decent performance since pages change rarely and thus the hits to the database should be rare as well.
Khalid Abuhakmeh Re: ASP.NET MVC and virtual views
Pretty good example, terrible idea to store your views in the database.

I'm having flashbacks now to previous projects where the idea of storing ASP.NET pages in a database sounded like a good idea.

I would have liked to see the implementation of the views stored in a zip file, that would be kind of cool.
Jouni Re: Splitting CSV data with Regex
Yes. My point exactly. ;-)
Lenard Gunda Re: Splitting CSV data with Regex
I actually asked around here at work at the time, and all I got was the recommendation for the CodeProject library referenced in the blog post :)
Jouni Re: Splitting CSV data with Regex
You most definitely should have used my implementation of a CSV parser, available at ;-)

(oh, and it's also included inside the basic tool library at work - the fact that I'm telling you this here reminds me that the internal library documentation definitely needs some polish)
Re: Windows Mobile 6.1 suxx (HTC Touch Diamond 2)
week numbers in calendar

open WM calendar, Tools, Options --> check "Show week numbers"

Lenard Gunda Re: Windows Mobile 6.1 suxx (HTC Touch Diamond 2)
Wow, good thing you reminded me, I have to stop being a fan of the phone :)

And I am not surprised at all you sent it back. I wish it would be that easy for me :)
Re: Windows Mobile 6.1 suxx (HTC Touch Diamond 2)
Saw on facebook you are "fan of Touch Diamond 2" some months ago. I bought also one (birthday present for myself), then sent back to Amazon after 1 week. Today I am a happy and satisfied iPhone user :).
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