I might be late, but here is my solution: i have a ERP that can be configured for the locale settings of the account, so, i don't load the jquer.validate.js file, i built it over a PHP file, and i replace the comma and the point in the regex function with the account values of those configurations (couldn't upload the code, the server throws an error)
Cheers from me as well, this is still the most simple solution if you actually know ALL your users are ALWAYS going to use say for example Swedish or Finnish. I Went down the globalization*.js rabbit hole and all went dark...and cold...and scary... and I backed out again
Free beer if you come to Stockholm, just contact me (truly)
The type 'WebService.Service1', provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive, or provided in the configuration element system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/serviceActivations could not be found.
I played around in MVC 5 recently with compiling and serving Razor views from a .DLL. I will have to check what I did, because I did not run into any trouble there. Of course there I did much more than just serve views as I needed to compile them as well, but the basics should be the same. Let me get back to you on this one.
Maybe it worked in mvc4 but in mvc5 this does not work GetFile is never called. If FileExits returns true asp.net is bypassed and IIS assumes it can get it which results in a:
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
This worked perfectly as described. And to answer Konstantin's question, all you have to do is add a using statement on the AccountController.cs file for the namespace (e.g. DataLayer.Models) that you put your ApplicationDbContext and ApplicationUser classes in.
However, the whole reason to pull this out of the web applications (for me anyway) to eliminate the dependency of the Entity Framework reference in my web application. Since I'm doing all of my data access in my DataLayer assembly, my web application shouldn't care about entity framework. In your solution above, you make no mention of the steps to fully eliminate this from the web application so it seems like the worst of both worlds.
I'm sure I'll be able to extract all of the code out of the account controller to get this done, it just seems like it would be remiss from your tutorial not to mention this step as well. (just my two cents)