ReBuildAll Blog
Thoughts (mostly) on .NET development

WSDLMerge updated   (Web services)   
I wrote about a tool I made in this blog before (see the original article here). The tool called WSDLMerge can merge WSDL documents and XSD documents that it references into a single file.

I just updated this tool. The updated source code and now also precompiled binary version is available from the project's site.

I ran into some problems with some WSDL files, which made me update the tool. Some people also wanted a binary version instead of just source, so that is now also uploaded.

I had a WSDL file that referenced different XSD files, but with the same targetNamespace. This made WSDLMerge ignore the second import.

Also, the include statements are now getting parsed as part of the XSD files. The included schema is inlined into the schema that invokes the include.



Santosh Re: WSDLMerge updated
Where is the bat file to pass the wsdl and the linked schemas to the wsdl , please provide these details as i could not find the bat file as mentioned in your wiki guide
ZAP Re: WSDLMerge updated

ZAP Re: WSDLMerge updated

ZAP Re: WSDLMerge updated

ZAP Re: WSDLMerge updated

ZAP Re: WSDLMerge updated

SteveC Re: WSDLMerge updated
Thank you for providing this tool

Saved me a lot of pain & suffering

alex Re: WSDLMerge updated
thank you very much,
your solution helped me too!
Thanks Lenard, it really saved my day.